Helps promote hand eye coordination and fine motor skills. Can use it to engage your child during tummy time or when sitting promoting gross motor skills.
Helps to promote fine motor skills and cognitive development through problem solving.
Helps to teach little ones about balance as they learn to stack the blocks, and teach them about gravity and cause and effect when they knock them down.
Helps to promote visual tracking during tummy time. Helps little ones understand the concept of in and out. Can be used with the cup for imaginative play.
Helps to develop spatial relationships, teaching your little one about shapes and sizes. Learn about gravity, balance and weight as your little one learns to stack them.
Helps to develop fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and promotes shape recognition.
Helps to develop fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and promotes shape recognition. Individual circle, square and triangle puzzle can fit into this puzzle creating a complex nesting puzzle.
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